Employee Surveys & Engagement - Employee and exit interviews, measuring employee engagement and satisfaction surveys

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Capture Services: Employee, exit, satisfaction, HR surveys, interviews, human resources consulting and interviewing

Capture Services: Market research, customer satisfaction surveys, political polls, public opinion pollinguality assurance, retention surveys

Capture Services: Customer service assessment, measurement, service quality, quality assurance, retention surveys

Program Benefits  


Capture Advantage  

Capture Services: Technical writing, policy, procedure, corporate, compliance, employee training manuals

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Suite 222
Stuart, FL 34994 

Rhode Island:
601 Jefferson Blvd.
Warwick, RI 02886

Toll Free: 866.463.8638






Customer Service & Sales Skills Measurement

Free Consultation

Call 866-463-8638 for a free consultation to discuss with our partners or top staff how we can help you make better business decisions.

“Capture was there for us every step of the way...When we extended that to a new line they helped us develop our script, they made great suggestions on how to conduct a successful survey, they had great ideas, but they wanted the process to be customized enough to meet our specific needs. ..."

Bond Transfer Agent

Capture Pathways provides benchmarking and ongoing analysis of your front-line customer contact or sales personnel to identify employee strengths as well as opportunities for improvement. With almost 20 years of evaluating customer service skills combined with your company’s need to capture vital information, we can create a custom-tailored program that best meets your needs and business objectives.

Program Benefits

What do your customers think about your company's customer service efforts, and your effectiveness in serving them?

Our customer service assessment programs measure the effectiveness with which your call centers serve your customers and determine the extent front-line customer service agents are meeting, exceeding, or falling short of your standards and expectations.

Retaining customers can be extremely important for maintaining or increasing profits, yet it is an area often neglected by many companies. For many businesses, it can be much more efficient spending time and resources retaining existing customers than acquiring new ones.

A modified mystery shopping program provides the most effective way to measure the organization's strengths and weaknesses in serving customers, in areas such as sales and service techniques, communications skills, product knowledge, cross selling abilities and more.  Collecting the best information possible will translate into:

  • Receiving trends so that you can focus training resources more effectively
  • Identify the "super-performers" and reward them for doing the job the right way
  • Determine products or services that are not being cross-sold and create awareness
  • Better handling of problems
  • More effective training based on employee individual program results
  • A greater understanding by employees of the importance of their job
  • Greater employee retention and happier employees
  • Minimizing the number of customers who seek out competitors

As with all our services, we analyze your current program, employee expectations, short and long term goals to provide the best program possible and insure that results can be measurable.

Capture Services

  • Modified mystery shopping of call center personnel
  • Call observation programs
  • Baseline, benchmarking and analysis based on archived recorded interactions
  • Post-contact quality analysis
  • Continuous improvement programs
  • Comparison to other work groups and the entire organization

The Capture Advantage

Capture provides several advantages over competitors that have made us a leader in the field of information collection, analysis and reporting. Our services have been used in small and large companies and the program each time has been modeled to meet each client's specific needs and objectives. See Capture Advantage for more information on how our resources can be used to design and implement a Pathways program for your organization today.

Program highlights of our Customer Service and Sales Skills Measurement program:

  • Designed to communicate what is expected in terms of service standards
  • Results that include representative-level reports focusing on what the employee does well and areas where training and coaching may yield significant improvement allowing the employee to succeed
  • Individual training tips are generated following each assessment period and provided to the representative based on your corporate standards and their results
  • Development of corporate or departmental policy guides/handbooks designed to communicate what is expected in terms of service standards
  • Identify localized or corporate trends and design training programs around them
  • Measure what is important to your business - add your philosophies and goals to the program to make it your own

Applications and Examples

  • General telephone techniques and courtesy
  • Soft skill measurement
  • Product and service knowledge
  • Sales and ability to up-sell
  • Problem resolution/dealing with complaints
  • Call to action
  • Compliance or security issues
  • Above standard performance/unacceptable performance indicators
  • Measure agent awareness/knowledge of new product features and benefits

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Employee Surveys & Engagement | Market Research & Clear Results Reporting
Customer Service & Sales Skills Measurement | Technical Writing for Manuals & Documentation